Friday 6 July 2012

TNA Desination X - predictions and full card

- X-Division four-way match: Mason Andrews (Scorpio Sky) versus Rubix (Jigsaw) versus Lars Only (Johnny Yuma) versus Dakota Darsow. The winner will be entered into the X-Division title tournament. I predict Rubix will go through as he is an excellent wrestler.

- Four X-Division matches not yet announced featuring the winner of the four-way, plus Sonjay Dutt, Rashad Cameron (Jeez from CZW), Kid Kash, Doug Williams, Zema Ion, Kenny King and Flip Casanova (Flip Kendrick). I would like to see Doug Williams win the tournament, but predict Sonjay Dutt to be the winner.

- Samoa Joe versus Kurt Angle in the Bound for Glory series. I expect this to go to a time-limit draw.

- Ultimate X for the vacant X title. As noted above, I believe that Sonjay Dutt will win.

- A.J. Styles versus Christopher Daniels last man standing. I hope that AJ wins, just so they can blow off this Claire Lynch storyline. I predict Daniels will win, however, with interference from Kaz.

- Bobby Roode versus Austin Aries for the TNA title. Bobby Roode will win, no doubt through shenanigans.