Sunday, 9 January 2011

TNA Genesis 2011 - predictions

Genesis is upon us and it's time for my predictions. My first prediction will be that this will have the feel of a WCW PPV with some great undercard matches and a piss-poor, overly booked main event. Let's do this...

- Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy's handpicked opponent.

One thing I've learnt in the last year is that in TNA the word 'mystery' is usually a synonym for 'shit' or 'disappointing'. I've heard rumours about Matt Hardy, but I don't think his 90 days are up yet. Expect such wonders as Rob Terry or Shannon Moore, maybe even Shaun Waltman. This match will suck and RVD will lose.

- Ken Anderson vs. Matt Morgan

Main event and it's a bag of shit. Expect a couple of side-slams, that spot where Morgan takes of his elbow pads and does some elbows to a guy on the turnbuckles, a Carbon Footprint, some kind of Bischoff screwjob and an overly complex ending. Anderson will no doubt win.

- Brother Ray vs. Brother Devon.

The Bully Ray gimmick might be one of the worst things that could have happened to the Dudleys. I can see Ray winning.

- Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle: MMA Exhibition.

The lead up to this has been pretty shit, though funny at points. This match will be great and Kurt Angle will hopefully kick Jarrett's ass.

- TNA X Division champion Jay Lethal vs. Kazarian.

I'm looking forward to this match; Lethal and Kaz are pretty inconsistant in the ring, so it could be a great match, or it could be a stinker. I'm sure Kaz will probably win this one.

- TNA TV champion AJ Styles vs. Douglas Williams.

I'm pretty psyched for this match. If they put on another great match, I'll be a happy guy. AJ will probably win, thought I would like to see Doug retain the title.

- TNA Knockouts champion Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James.

This will be a bad match, Mickie will win.

- TNA Tag Team champions MCMG vs. Beer Money.

I can't wait for this one. I can see Beer Money getting the strap though, probably due to a screw job.

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