Tuesday, 22 March 2011

That Clown from Outta Town - Raw March 23rd

Hopefully I'll get my telly working soon, I haven't played any PS3 in a week and I'm posting here like every day out of boredom...

Anyway, it's RAW time :)

0:35 - Cool, JR :) If you absolutely have to start with talking, this is the guy to do it
0:55 - Not so much JR, as Heel Cole...Cole is actually an awesome heel
2:42 - Starting with a HHH promo...I remember back in the day when they did that every single week. I'm looking forward to the Taker match, hopefully the feud will hot up a little - it's been all talk so far
14:31 - Pretty generic promo, followed by Ted DiBiase coming to ringside to get pedigreed through a table
15:49 - Cena to speak out about The Miz on satellite? Wasn't he slating The Rock for appearing on satellite like 2 weeks ago?
16:22 - Sheamus v Bourne...should be good, Bourne is great and Sheamus looked pretty good last week
18:20 - Bourne got dominated and beaten in less than 2 mins...almost as bad as a TNA match
19:05 - Here comes Bryan :)
20:05 - Bryan v Sheamus at Mania :)
20:38 - Rey Mysterio v Randy Orton tonight...could be pretty decent
23:07 - Divas, fast forwarding
30:35 - Santino and that Russian bloke v the old Nexus...not my first choice of match
32:54 - Another short match with nothing interesting happening :/
38:58 - Cena & Rock face to face next week...maybe that's why they've phoned in this one, they know everyone is going to watch anyway
40:55 - Cole has another surprise for Lawler - I don't know how he'll top last week's awesome dancing from Brian Christopher
48:39 - Fucking hell, this feud is intense...on paper this ought to be a dumb comedy angle, but Cole is fucking hardcore
53:50 - Dolph :)
54:38 - John Morrison :) If this is a proper match and not Morrison jobbing again, this should be pretty good
58:37 - It was going pretty well, but now it's a handicap match - Morrison & Stratus v Ziggler, Lay Cool, and Vicky Guererro :(
63:10 - Actually I take it back, that was really good - I haven't been watching the Divas because I thought they were a shit version of the Knockouts, but that was some pretty good wrestling from everyone (except Guererro, who fucked up the only move she did...)
71:58 - Orton v Rey - I'm expecting Punk to get involved, but could be a decent match if he doesn't/until he does
77:32 - That was pretty decent, then Punk came on the Titantron next to Orton's bus and said he was going to go an meet his wife...the heels in WWE are fucking sinister
79:14 - Most obvious trap in wrestling history...
87:10 - Miz is actually pretty good now
89:21 - Cena was only pretending to be at home, and was sitting in a mock-up backstage...Miz is about to get stomped

The show started pretty slowly, I could have skipped everything until Cole's segment without feeling cheated. The end of the show was really good. One more till Mania, Rock and Cena are going to face off, Taker and HHH are going to face off, I'm sure Cole will have another go at King...looking forward to it already :)

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