Sunday, 17 April 2011

Socko Swerve Spoiler

TNA continues to baffle on Challenge TV. I've decided I can't fight it, its time to go along with the madness, become one with the madness, and enjoy the ride.

Now I understand where its going. I understand why Ric Flair claims to be God yet spends his time in a wrestling promotion and why Hulk Hogan can have 100% of the company but still have to follow the mysterious instructions of The Network.

Mental Illness.

I think The Network is all in Hulk Hogans mind. I think when he speaks to them on the phone it doesn't even have batteries in, like Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead when he find the only way to cope with the trauma, grief and guilt of his situation is to talk to his dead wife using a broken phone. The pile drivers, the powerslams and the kind of detachment from reality that leads a man to star in "Santa With Muscles" all indicate that the man is ill. This might explain why he thinks the bandana fools us into thinking he has a full head of hair; this might explain why he posted a Twitter video of him having a shit.

Is Eric Bischoff even real? Is he an “A Beautiful Mind” type flight of fancy? I don’t know if we ever see people talk to Bischoff as if he wasn’t there, partly because he’s always in Hogans shadow, partly because, as I say, I’ve become one with the madness.

TNA might just turn into Fight Club but you know, without the fights.

1 comment:

Huls said...

That is a much better idea than anything that has happened in TNA since Jan 4th 2010