Saturday, 21 January 2012

iMPACT, Jan 19th 2012

It's amazing that Robert Roode and Daniel Bryan have the exact same angle, but with Bryan I can't wait to see what'll happen next and with Roode I just want to sleep through it.

Sting < Laurenaitas < Teddy Long

TNA are going to England and I won't be there T_T

Kaz is the worst heel

Magnus comes to the ring

Magnus gets pinned

Crimson is the least convincing monster I think I've ever seen

At least Joe's kicking some arse

Eric Young makes me laugh

Fire Garrett

Oh god, they actually did a Garrett montage so now he's good at wrestling what the fuck TNA that's not how real life works

Knockouts cage match...haven't seen one of these in a while

Actually pretty decent

MCMG music, thought Sabin was back and got all excited but it's just Shelly

He's actually a lot better on the mic than I remember

Eric Young v Angelina...pretty dumb since all the fans know they can't show male on female violence on Spike

As dumb as I thought it'd be, but anthing with Eric is worth watching

Main event...there will definitely be a screwjob, so fastforwarding

Yup, screwjob...surprised it's Bubba not Roode


Mr Socko said...

I wasn't convinced by this years' rumble.
The cage match was rushed, but was good for what it was; the Cena/Kane match was terrible; the Punk/Ziggler match was decent, but I felt like the pay off of Laurinitus getting his ass kicked had already happened on Raw; the rumble felt like a bunch of mid-carder with a about 3 stars.
I was suprised that Sheamus won, mainly because I thought that Jericho was going to run down to the ring at about 29/30, do his crowd stuff until only on person remained, then took that guy out with a Code Breaker and tossed him over the top rope... I felt like WWE swerved us for the sake of swerving us.
Also, as the stip is that Sheamus will now headline Wrestlemania, does that mean that there's going to be a 3-way with Cena and Rock?

Huls said...

You really didn't see Sheamus coming? They've been building up to this for months...the guy never loses, he comes to the ring to save people from ass-kickings, he never backs down from anything (even Mark Henry, whose gimmick is 'everyone is terrified of him)...he's winning at Mania and will probably be champ for a while.

I have a feeling Mania will be Punk v Jericho, and Sheamus v Orton. We'll see after the Elimination Chamber, I guess.

And the ref bump/Laurinaitis thing in the Punk match was completely unnecessary, that aside it was a really good match.

Mr Socko said...

I'd assumed that putting him in a feud with Jinder Mahal was a bit of a death nail

Huls said...

But nobody will give a fuck if it abruptly ends and nobody ever mentions it again...stalling for time imo...he's walking out of Mania with the belt, I'm sure of it