Monday, 6 February 2012

ROH TV - 4th February - KEVIN STEEN returns!

Show opened with clips from the TV Title match between Lethal, Generico and Bennett from Final Battle 2011. I didn’t see this one because I’ve had problems with IPPVs before and though better of it.

Kelly and McGuinness introduced the show from Baltimore. Every time I here Baltimore it makes me think of the Wire, which in turn makes me think of the Urban Wrestling Federation (yes, I know it’s based in Philly, but that’s how my mind works). They hype up the TV title match between Bennett and Lethal. Bennett did a promo saying how he was going to be the next champ, and how the audience could be proud to have him as a TV champ. Mike Bennett’s not the best worker in the world, his talents pales in comparison to the likes of Edwards and Lethal, but I think he makes a great heel and he’s got a great gimmick.

The first match saw Lethal beat Bennett by pin-fall with a crucifix to retain the title. This was a good TV match, good pace, commentary told a great story and Lethal looked like a star.

Next up was an interview with Eddie Edwards. I really like Edwards, in-ring this guy is easily one of the best workers outside of Japan. I can imagine that if he was to go to TNA or WWE he’d just bob around the lower-mid card for a few months before getting dropped. I’m just not convinced by him in interviews, and I think if he went to another promotion, this would be bad for his drawing power.

Tonight’s ROH is, however, the TV return of Kevin Steen. Unlike WWE or TNA where a firing angle will be resolved within a month (or not even a week if you’re John Cena), ROH had Steen away from the promotion for a year. In the big picture, it takes a little away from the ‘loser leaves town stip’, but at least they followed it through for a good while and had a build up to Steen’s potential return.

Steen came down to the ring and Kevin Kelly noted that Steen had been re-instated but at what cost. They really put over that Steen was a dangerous guy to be near, this was awesome. Steen responded by asking why ROH would keep down their best wrestler for a year. He said it was because he wouldn’t suck up to Cornette – this was a great promo. They seem to be hinting at doing what could have been the CM Punk holding the WWE title hostage angle, but they’ll probably have the guts to do it right. Cornette came out and laid into him. I love Cornette, not sure about him as a babyface GM, but the heel GM thing has been done to death. Steen ended by saying he was going to kick Richards’ ass, become the new champion and be the bane of Cornette’s life. Great stuff.

Next match was for the tag titles: Haas and Benjamin versus the Young Bucks. They had a decent TV match, but it felt a bit stilted a points. Bucks won via DQ, when Benjamin used a steel chair.

I quite like the way the Bucks have evolved lately. They are still doing their crazy high-spots, but they make sense in the matches now rather than just being some nice acrobatics with no real context.


Unknown said...

check out

Huls said...

I still never get round to checking out ROH, even though I keep meaning to.

Is Davey Richards still there? I've seen a couple of his matches, he's one of the best wrestlers on the planet.

Unknown said...

yep, he's awesome