Wednesday, 16 June 2010

That Clown from Outta Town - TNA Sacrifice 2010

I'm doped up on antiarrhythmic medication right now so this might not make any sense...but anyway, here we go:

3:20 - Starting with a match! Awesome. Why the christ can't they do this on iMPACT?
4:00 - Kurt v Kaz. This'll be great.
19:39 - Awesome match, Kurt was as good as ever, Kaz made a pretty good showing of himself too, I was shocked when he kicked out of the Angle Slam...great way to start a PPV :D
22:28 - 2 matches in a row with no bullshit talking in between? They should do this every week, this is awesome...
27:46 - Kendrik v Doug is really good too - I'm surprised to see Kendrick trying to outwrestle Doug.
28:28 - I just looked at a man's arse to find out whether you spell his name with a 'c' or not...that's a new low.
34:44 - Nice win by Douggie - I'm loving his title run. 1-0 England...although I'm pretty sure Wolfe is gonna make it 1-1. Or rather, I'm pretty sure Chelsea is gonna make it 1-1...
37:05 - Knockouts - fast forwarding
49:21 - Sweet, Jesse v Bubba :D
52:11 - Bubba on the mic - he's one of the best in the world at this
63:05 - I can't believe Jesse won...I can't believe Dreamer's in TNA...
67:54 - Morgan v Hernandez - This could be anything from utter shite to pretty damn good...
79:14 - Yeah, not great - epic ref bump though
83:58 - I don't have high hopes for this match...last time Wolfe and Abyss hooked up it was awful, I don't think making it a Monster's Ball is gonna make it any, Chelsea is blatantly gonna screw Wolfe :(
85:17 - Barbed wire board looks fun though
87:53 - Barbed wire teddy bear - WTF
90:21 - Ok, I was wrong - this is pretty damn good
92:01 - Holy shit, powerbomb onto the barbed wire board
93:49 - Face first into the broken glass...damn, this is nasty :D
95:25 - That was way better than I thought it'd be...ending was predictable though
98:03 - Liking RVD's Iron Man tights
100:25 - Woop woop, here comes AJ v Lethal...this match is gonna kill
120:17 - Not as great as I thought it'd be, but it was still pretty damn good...really cool to see Lethal getting a push after all this time, a clean win over AJ is pretty big.
123:16 - I really hope Sting beats RVD...won't happen though
124:49 - Hardy/Anderson v Beer Money...I don't have high hopes for this one either
138:31 - This is a lot better than I thought it'd be...Both Hardy and Anderson seem a lot better as tag wrestlers than singles.
145:00 - That was a really cool tag match...Hardy and Anderson are kinda like Storm and Roode, neither are exactly my favourite on their own, but together they're really good.
152:58 - I'm actually kinda excited for this match :O
153:53 - I really like RVD's ring gear tonight.
154:23 - Van Crushinator...VAN ASSASINATOR
166:22 - Ref bump - new champ plz
166:53 - And here comes fucking Jarrett to ruin it :(
168:49 - Fucking RVD is still champ :( Fuck this company
169:35 - I think that was probably the best RVD match I've seen since he's been in TNA

That was an ok PPV, started very strong, then fizzled out a little but it was still pretty good. I'm not sure what's going to happen on iMPACT, I can't think of anything that I really want to see the next stage of - they seemed to tie up all the loose ends, anything that follows on from the PPV is gonna feel forced as hell. Except Wolfe/Chelsea, but seriously, who gives a fuck about Chelsea? Is anyone in the fucking world interested in what happens next with her?

And where the fuck was Joe?

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