Saturday, 12 March 2011

That Clown from Outta Town - iMPACT, March 10

Just found out The Rock is back in WWE - I'm totally jumping ship from TNA to see his run. This week's iMPACT was already downloaded though, so




00:29 - Rudos? Some kind of Mexican invasion? Sounds cool
01:23 - Why yes, I would much rather see highlights of last week's iMPACT than new material - thanks, TNA
04:34 - Why yes, I would much rather listen to Hogan and Bischoof than Sting - thanks, TNA
08:34 - Why yes, this promo would be improved by Mr Anderson spouting the same old catchphrases - thanks, TNA
11:41 - Why yes, yet another WWE reject would make this abortion of a promo the highlight of the fucking show - thanks, TNA
12:55 - Ok, I can't even be sarcastic any more - what the fuck is this shit? Sting, Hogan, Bischoff, Mr Anderson, Jeff Hardy and now fucking RVD yapping on and fucking on about the shitty, Jeff Hardy-themed, heavyweight belt...FUUUUCCCCKKKK
15:38 - 15 minutes to set up for a tag match...I'm willing to bet real money that the match is shorter than 15 minutes
18:11 - Last time these guys were on the show, Dinero got put through a pig...I hope something that good happens this week
22:09 - Pope wins with a chain - fuck you, TNA
23:43 - Knockouts - fast forwarding, mainly because of Jersey Shore crap
24:18 - Oh wait, it's the open challenge...watching
25:04 - Madison is terrible on the mic
25:31 - Roxxi...not as cool as ODB
27:44 - Post match beatdown broken up by a Diva reject
28:28 - Bubba v Dreamer in a parking lot brawl...this is gonna be a lot less hardcore than it should be
31:01 - It turned out to be Devon...I wonder what someone channel flipping would think they were watching during that whole thing
33:13 - Knockouts with Jersey Shore forwarding
38:28 - Ric Flair & Matt Hardy v AJ in a street fight...sounds dire

Speaking of which, TNA are doing a new line of action figures...Matt Hardy's is pretty cool

47:51 - Matt Hardy is about as good on the mic as Madison...who the fuck let him talk?
48:18 - "...what I've became" Maybe the reason that you failed as a wrestler isn't 'the system', it's the fact you can't fucking speak English properly?
56:48 - Gen Me :D
57:15 - ...jobbing to Ink inc.
57:56 - Oh wait, 3-way tag match?
58:08 - Nope, they're dressed to talk...
58:30 - Ah, guest commentators
1:02:37 - Midair spear...awesome move by Jesse
1:10:47 - They're going to put fucking Robbie E in a fucking Ultimate X match? FFS TNA, you are awful
1:12:17 - The PPV looks a bit shit
1:22:37 - The main event is a complete fucking mess

That was shit...WWE it is, then.