Tuesday, 29 March 2011

That Clown from Outta Town - RAW, March 28th

RAW time, last one before Mania, this should be good :)


00:38 - Starting with Punk - nice :)
10:31 - Even a standard promo --> brawl is better in WWE
11:31 - Rock, Miz and Cena tonight :D
13:15 - That WWE All Stars game looks alright...kinda silly and over the top rather than deadly serious 'simulation' style
13:49 - Just to reiterate...EDGE AND MOTHERFUCKING CHRISTIAN
16:13 - Del Rio's entrance is genius...just trolling the fuck out of every single person in the arena
20:25 - What a DDT from Christian...fucking hell
22:12 - That was pretty good...awesome to see Edge & Christian again
23:32 - That plastic box is still fucking hilarious
27:25 - Lawler v Swagger...sounds...interesting
35:33 - Just saw Santino's finisher for the first time...ridiculous
38:57 - Taker v HHH faceoff time
42:18 - Shawn Michaels is here :)
50:41 - Holy shit, HHH's promo is fucking intense
59:33 - And they follow it up with Swagger v Lawler
01:06:10 - Vickie Guererro is terrible...I like how the crowd hates her more than any of the heels
01:06:57 - Ziggler v Sheamus
01:07:31 - Nope, Ziggler & Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan & I guess John Morrison
1:10:38 - Damn, Bryan just reversed a roll-up into a crossface...he's brilliant
01:11:47 - Decent match
01:19:38 - How pissed is Snooki
01:25:27 - How awesome would a Rock v Punk feud be
1:36:37 - Cena is on fucking fire tonight
1:38:24 - That was fucking awesome...Miz is coming out now, but the Cena/Rock faceoff was brilliant...Cena's pretty good when he's not trying to be funny

That was awesome, can't wait till Mania :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was indeed a pretty decent Raw, though I felt that they totally underplayed the Lawler/Cole feud... if you had Lawler having his face pushed against the fish tank this week, it would have been awesome.
The Rock/Miz/Cena thing was great, but it makes me wish that the match was Rock versus Cena, I really couldn't give a fuck about the Miz.
Over the previous weeks I've found the Triple H/Taker exchange to be somewhat dull, but this week they were on fire. That promo was BRILLIANT and Shawn Michaels was BRILLIANT. I would love to see Michaels return, but to do commentary, his mic skills are second to none.
As for the idea of a Rock/Punk feud, I would actually pay to see that done well! When Cena is intense, I think he's great, when he tells goofy jokes, I can't stand him.
With Christian and Edge back together, how long will it be before one of them turns? I'd like to see Edge lose the strap to DelRio at Mania and then DelRio lose it in a few months to Christian... in the meantime Edge and Christian should have a lot of tag matches with Danielson and Morrison... also Ziggler and Sheamus, or Ziggler and Rhodes...
Hope we get Punk/Danielson feud after Mania.