03:11 - After watching a couple of episodes of RAW, TNA's pyros look fucking pathetic
03:45 - Wow, straight to wrestling...nice :) Bubba v Dreamer, this will be nowhere near as hardcore as it should be
04:27 - Bubba's grabbing the mic :D
11:21 - Pretty shit so far - I'd much rather see Team 3D v pretty much anybody than this...why did they ever get split up?
13:26 - The match involves an inflatable sex toy...it's pretty much irredeemable at this stage, unless 3D reform and this whole angle was an elaborate and pointless scheme to beat the shit out of Dreamer
14:50 - I was actually disappointed when Bubba kicked out, because it means this shit is going to go on for a couple more minutes
17:05 - Bubba doing a promo in the middle of the match while Tommy lies helpless...Bubba wins a moral victory regardless of the outcome
18:19 - Devon came and gave Tommy the win...but who really gives a fuck? Not this guy.
19:33 - "Jeff is going to come into this thing prepared..." No, Taz. No he isn't.
20:27 - Winter is awful on the mic
21:00 - Knockouts, fast forwarding
31:06 - Yay, the Jarretts, just who I wanted to see
32:42 - Why is Morgan talking? He should be like oldschool Kane/Abyss...beat the shit out of people and SHUT THE FUCK UP
35:35 - Seriously now, I'd much rather see 3D v LAX than Bubba v Dreamer & Devon and Hernandez v Morgan...one good match is much better than two shit matches
39:08 - "How vicious is this??" It's not even slightly vicious, get a fucking grip
40:48 - Hernandez hits Morgan's head on the turnbuckle. Morgan goes 'again'. Hernandez does it again. The turnbuckle cover comes off. Hernandez goes 'it's off'. That'll make it to Botchamania (as will the entire main event no doubt)
41:40 - Someone threw a bottle and hit Morgan in the head...luckily it was plastic and empty
43:31 - A fake fan run-in..that's kinda dumb because it's obviously fake and it'll only encourage fucking idiots to actually try it
44:08 - Hernandez clearly blading right in front of the camera...yeah just stay on that closeup, don't try and hide it or anything
44:52 - Hernandez sprayed fake blood onto Morgan...if he gets the win because of this, TNA are shite
45:11 - TNA are shite
47:28 - Gen Me v Kaz :D (with, sadly, Robbie E getting in the way)
56:46 - I wonder if Robbie E has a single actual fan in the whole world
58:19 - I can't believe this is the X-Division
59:29 - Fucking awesome moonsault to the outside by Jeremy Buck
01:02:41 - I have no idea what that move was, but it was fucking awesome...some kind of flipping moonsault into a stunner...
01:05:48 - Flux Capacitor from Kaz :) I think that, Douggie's Chaos Theory and Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer are probably my 3 favourite X-division moves. Oh wait, also the Lethal Combination.
01:09:20 - Kaz wins...probably the best match so far, but considering it was Ultimate X I've seen better. Some fucking crazy moves though
01:11:29 - Jarrets again...I don't understand who TNA think they're entertaining
01:16:59 - Ink Inc v Beer Money - this should be match of the night
01:33:25 - Bit of a weird ending, but a decent enough match...a bit too much Moore for my liking, but that's small compared to TNA's usual bollocks
01:35:25 - Matt v AJ up next. I have to admit, Matt's new car looks pretty cool.
01:36:41 - I wonder if Matt was on whatever Jeff took, or if he's genuinely that shit on the mic
01:39:15 - Matt Hardy's a badass - he's wrestling in JEANS, like a boss. JEANS with SEQUINS, motherfucker.
01:56:42 - Not a bad match, went on for too long though, had way too much Matt Hardy, who fucked up a lot...that finisher by AJ was fucking awesome though
01:58:21 - Seriously Flair, how do you fuck up a simple eye-poke?
01:59:10 - More fucking Jarrett
2:00:44 - I really don't get the point of these Jarrett promos...they're not entertaining and they're nothing to do with wrestling...put that shit on Youtube or something
2:01:59 - Anderson's promo is awful...it's just the same old shit...and he's whining. Who likes a whiny wrestler?
2:05:05 - Quick note to RVD - there's a difference between 'making it look effortless', and 'it actually is effortless because you get given it on a plate by Eric Bischoff'...
2:06:49 - Anderson fumbled the mic and hit himself in the face with it...this PPV will be a Botchamania special at this rate
2:09:10 - Christ, the first 20 seconds or so looked amateurish
2:10:23 - There's something worrying about a room full of fat nerds chanting "We love asshole"
2:10:59 - Anderson reversing a leapfrog by accidentally headbutting RVD in the sphincter...fucking hell this is bad
2:13:01 - The fans are barely reacting to anything...you get a smattering of applause for the rolling thunder or a suicide dive, but the crowd do not seem to give a single fuck about this match
2:18:39 - I don't get these fans...they're not reacting to anything that happens in the match, but they're all taking part in the chanting...if you don't give enough of a fuck to cheer, how can you give enough of a fuck to chant?
2:20:55 - Anderson does his finisher on the steel entrance ramp, and all the crowd does is a half-hearted 'Oooh'?
2:21:33 - Double countout? FFS TNA that's pathetic
2:21:59 - That said, the match was terrible and I'm glad it's over. And the crowd were also terrible.
2:23:12 - The fans are chanting 'restart the match'...they didn't give a fuck about the match when it was happening, but when it stops they suddenly care? WTF TNA fans
2:24:47 - Grandma, what dilated pupils you have
2:32:47 - It's hard to tell how fucked up Hardy is with all that shit on his face
2:34:30 - Bischoff desperately pretending to do a promo so he can come out and tell them not to bother with the match
2:35:59 - Jesus, he's so fucked up he's taken off his T-shirt, and can't figure out how to throw it into the crowd
2:36:13 - Sting looks fucking angry
2:37:05 - Fucking hell, he was trying to kick out and his shoulders weren't even down, that's fucking hilarious
2:37:23 - The look of disapproval on Sting's face is classic
As funny as that was, it was pretty bad. TNA should never have let Hardy out there in that condition...they should have said he wasn't there because of 'travel problems', or an 'injury' or something, made the Anderson v RVD match a 3-way with Sting, and bumped one of the dark matches up to the main card. Or something. Anything is better than pissing off the fans (some of whom paid actual money to watch that), and a double countout. Not to mention publicly humiliating one of their biggest name stars.
I know I haven't liked Hardy's run in TNA, but it's really sad to see a once-great wrestler reduced to this. I hope he gets himself sorted out - although I'm sure this incident won't help his court hearing for drug trafficking one bit. He's apparently been suspended, I'm guessing it'll be permanent to be honest.
Aside from that...pretty shit PPV. Not the worst, but definitely way below average.
just rewatched the main event. Fucking hell, Sting looks pissed all the way through. I love the way he just held Hardy down shoot style. Sting is Awesome
Yeah, even with all that facepaint you could tell he was fucking angry :)
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