Friday, 30 April 2010

The Clown from Outta Town, WWE Extreme Rules.

3:49 - Triple H in the opening match? What?
5:39 - shortest hardcore match ever.
7:43 - The greatest tag team in WWE history? The Dudleys are back?!
7:45 - Oh no, it's just a mediocre tag team with aspirations of adequacy.
12:45 - Why is Morrison being wasted as one of the first tag team in a tag gauntlet in the first proper match of the night? FFS. WWE needs a rip-off X-Division, they bury most of their best guys instead of elevating them.
16:03 - The commentary is truly awful.
19:45 - Why does anyone like MVP?
23:10 - Finally, a match I actually want to see - only took them the better part of half an hour. Way to go.
26:18 - 'Our fans in Europe, watching from places like the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia...'
43:39 - Match over. Nothing noteworthy occured.
45:19 - Strap match? Seriously? What fucking century are we in?
52:10 - Another match where nothing interesting happened.
53:00 - Attacking someone so they're injured and can't compete is a 'moral victory'? God, this commentary sucks.
58:29 - Here comes Orton - can't wait to see one of his sweet headlocks.
75:09 - Swagger beat Orton? Didn't expect that. One of the worst 'extreme' matches I've ever seen. Not worst I guess - just dullest.
80:51 - Shamus and Triple H are wearing almost exactly the same ring gear.
89:35 - I give up. I'm not watching the rest of this. They've had an hour and a half and not a single decent thing has happened.

- The Clown

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