Wednesday, 21 April 2010

TNA Lockdown - Mr Anderson vs Kurt Angle

What a match! Possibly one of the bes matches I've seen since Angle went against Wolfe last year. Seriously, this match was truly spectactular and made the match between AJ and Pope look pretty flat in comparison. I'm not going to spoil the Lethal Lockdown match, but that was also pretty awesome.
The fact is that Angle seriously outdid himself on this one. The drama of this match was up there with some of the greatest matches of all time, all the way through there was no clear winner, and when Angle through the cage key into the crowd it was unclear whether there could even be a winner. What was the highling of the match? Was it the German suplex from the top rope? What about when Angle used his warrior medal to choke Kennedy out? Was it when Kennedy used the tape from his wrists to choke angle? No, it was when Angle climbed to the top of the steel cage and moonsaulted onto Kennedy and hit it, bam! Replay. Bam! My jaw literally hanging down to my knees. Now the cage in Lockdown was a lot higher than the WWE cages and was about the height of a hell in the cell, unbelievable.
I'm not going to spoil the result, but this makes the PPV worth watching.
After I'd finished watching Lockdown I reflected for a while and realised that the Angle/Kennedy feud is exactly the reason why I've prefered TNA to WWE over the last year: when TNA do a feud well, they do it right. A feud needs to build up and simmer until it gets bigger than the characters, I think TNA have done this time and time again. They completely pissed over any of the recent feuds in WWE (I still don't quite get the point of the Punk/Mysterio feud). There's been some great matches throughout the feud and some real innovative stuff going on that I'd not really seen before. Like when Kennedy used Angle's warrior medal to almost hang him to win the ladder match, that was some pretty dark stuff.
Kennedy is easily the best heel TNA have got, the only wrestler who even comes close is Desmond Wolfe, but not even Wolfe has turned round and called the US army a bunch of high-school drop-outs. Slag off America and you're foriegn, that kind of goes with the territory; but to do that from within America makes it that little bit hard to throw a chant of USA and expect to have the same withering effect as water on the Wicked Witch of the West.
With Angle announcing a hiatus after the match, one wonders where now for Kennedy?

UPDATE! Here is the complete match, enjoy!

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