RAW opens up with a video package showing the actions of the Nexus over the last few weeks. And capping off by showing John Cena forming his dream team. I liked the effects of this video it was in Black and Gold through the Nexus beatdowns. Until Cena walks away and says he has help. The screen turns full color as each member of what Micheal Cole calls the "WWE 7"(so i will just refer to them as that), come out one by one followed by Bret Hart to top it off. The Nexus runs into the stands and the video package ends.. I liked the video package the black and gold effect was cool. They are pushing this Nexus thing to the infinity..... 5 out of 5
So we begin the actual show with John Cena coming out to the ring. He talks about the previous attacks carried out by the Nexus, he names off superstars, Mr. McMahon, Bret Hart, ring announcers, camera men....all the like. He talks about how the RAW superstars stood together and that their biggest goal is making sure the Nexus doesn't gain anymore power, because with power comes influence. Cena continues on about how HIS team will come together to stop the Nexus. (One minor note that the fans in San Antonio didn't seem too fond of Cena during this promo) Jericho comes out and ripped Cena and tried to claim leadership of the RAW team that will compete at SummerSlam against The Nexus. After some back-and-forth bickering, Jericho threatened Cena, to which he replied "take your best shot." The general manager ends up scheduling a tag team match between Jericho and Cena against two wrestlers of his choosing the GM also let Cena/Jericho know that their match against Nexus at SummerSlam would be an elimination match ........Overall decent promo by Cena(not!!!), It actually became entertaining when Jericho came out. I'm feeling another Cena/Jericho feud, I'm going to give this segment a 4 out of 5
So our first match is between Jey Uso(w/Jimmy Uso and Tamina) vs. Randy Orton(#1 Contender for WWE Title). So Sheamus's music hits and he walks down to the announce table and joins Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawler. Weird booking in the ring but a good idea to have Sheamus watching from the annnounce table. Not a very interesting match, but Orton wins via pin fall after hitting an RKO. Not that good of a match in the ring but Sheamus being at ringside added a bit of intrigue..So the booking of this match will get a 3 out of 5.....
Now for the post match segment, Orton turns his attention to Sheamus and gets hit from behind by Jimmy Uso. Orton fights back and Sheamus enters the ring and tries to hit Orton with the Brogue Kick, Orton ducks and Sheamus hits Jimmy Uso with the Brogue Kick and Orton hits Sheamus with an RKO and leaves the ring. The Miz's music hits and he runs to the ring with a referee. He appears to be cashing in the MITB....that is until Randy Orton hits HIM with the RKO(lol) Bell never rang so no match happened. Really good post match segment I actually enjoyed this more than the match, I found it funny that The Miz tried to cash in and got an RKO in return. I give this post-match segment a 5 out of 5
Edge is now back stage talking to Ted DiBiase & Maryse about the SummerSlam match against Nexus. Edge believes that DiBiase should be in the match, and not The Great Khali because he’s big and awkward. DiBiase agrees and says that maybe him winning his match against John Morrison will make Cena believe that he is better than The Great Khali and Morrison. Edge says he may have to force things and take out Khali himself. Ranjin Singh hears this as Edge walks away, and goes to warn Khali. Uh-oh more problems within the "WWE 7"....interesting... This backstage segment gets a 3 out of 5
We come back from commercial Back in the ring, Sheamus & The Miz are arguing nose to nose. An Email comes from the anonymous GM, He makes them the tag team to face Cena & Jericho in the main event. The plot thickens..... two tag-teams who don't want to be partners...not to mention a team of champions...Another match making segment pretty average....so I give it a 3 out of 5...
Next up(note I do not review non-current show video packages) Edge is backstage again on the phone and The Great Khali comes in the room. He's not happy about hearing what Edge said about him, Khali challenges him to a match RIGHT NOW, and Edges denies what he said but makes it that if Khali loses he's out of the "WWE 7". Funny segment especially when the Great Khali comes in (Maryse was right no one can understand what he's saying) I give this backstage segment a 3 out of 5
After the commercial our next match is Edge vs The Great Khali(w/Ranjin Singh) this is good booking. Edge sells moves well and the Great Khali has never been too convincing in the ring to me. In the middle of the match Nexus comes out and Edge heads for the hills(lolz) leaving Khali by himself, The Nexus surrounds Khali. But they let him leave the ring. Match ends in a no contest...The booking of this match gets a 4 out 5, and only because Nexus came out and I thought they were going to attack Khali boy were we all wrong.
Elimination Match Nexus vs. Team Raw(Yoshi Tatsu, Jerry Lawler, DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, Goldust, Mark Henry and Evan Bourne )In an 7 on 7 Elimination Match. Believe it or not intially I was exicited about this match, mainly because I had never seen all of the members of Nexus in an actual match.(except for Wade Barrett) When I saw who they were going up against I was going to say "bad booking" for the first time in this blog. Then when I saw the dominating fashion of the victory and the UNITY shown by the Nexus I changed my mind... and even more with the problems the "WWE 7" have been having so far....GOOD BOOKING!!! A total spot fest in the clean sweep by the Nexus....I give this match a 4 out of 5.
Post match, Nexus destroys Bourne capped off by the Justin Gabriel 450 Splash.
Barrett then takes a mic(as usual) and he says that Cena's team are showing cracks because of their massive egos.Sheffield adds that Cena’s team is working as individuals, while are working for the betterment of the group.Tarver adds that he hopes that at SummerSlam it turns out just like tonight, but Cena’s the last one remaining so that they can destroy him. I liked this segment because Wade Barrett wasn't the only one who spoke for once.....Uhhh Sheffield should stay away from the mic...Tarver I was pretty impressed with... This post match promo gets a 5 out of 5.
In our next backstage segment, The Miz is sitting around stewing over what happened earlier. Sheamus busts into the locker room and says that Miz is dreaming if he thinks that he can win the WWE Title, Sheamus tells him to name the time and place, and he’ll leave The Miz black & blue.The Miz says “How about tonight, immediately after we face Cena/Jericho… I cash it in, hit the Skull Crushing Finale, and become WWE Champion…” Sheamus replies, “You keep pushing me, I’m going to make you regret it!” Knocks the MITB case out of Miz’s hands. Another entertaining backstage segment despite my fears The Miz is a great Mr Money In The Bank..At least he's trying right?? 4 out of 5
Our next match is Alicia Fox vs Brie Bella (w/Nikki Bella) lol I won't say bad booking because it seems the WWE is still trying to legitimize Alicia Fox, hell the match was so short I went to go get a drink and I missed Jillian Hall stop the Bella's from making a switch. In fact when I came back Alicia was already hitting the Scissors Kick(Darn Divas matches).... 2 minute match = 2 out of 5
Post match, Jillian goes to celebrate Alicia’s win with a song, and gets hit with a Scissors Kick for her trouble. LOL that post match segment was just as long as the match but funnier....a 3 out of 5
We return from commercial and R-Truth is out rapping his theme, and he heads to the announce table. Our next match is John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase(w/Maryse) Mid match, Morrison sets up for Star Ship Pain when Maryse jumps on apron as distraction. DiBiase rolls up Morrison with his feet on the ropes, but R-Truth pushes his feet off. DiBiase argues with Truth, and avoids getting hit from behind by catching John Morrison with a drop toe hold. Morrison’s momentum has him collide head-to-head with Truth. DiBiase gets the win. Nicely booked match I thought Morrison's feud with DiBiase would be forgotten after him joining the "WWE 7" but I guess I wrong...The booking of this match gets a 4 out of 5.
Our next Post-Match segment features Morrison and R-Truth arguing about what happened.John Cena is shown backstage looking disappointed that his team’s falling apart....I have to say these post-match segments are getting good. As well I'm impressed that the Nexus/WWE 7 angle are tying into these matches.... 4 out of 5
The next backstage segment features Josh Matthews and Randy Orton. Josh Matthews is with Randy Orton and asks about how he RKO’d the Miz earlier, and if that means he’d rather face Sheamus for the WWE Title. Orton says that he RKO’d both men tonight, which means that he doesn’t care who he faces at SummerSlam....Pretty late to ask Orton about his actions, but when you think about it Sheamus and the Miz are in action next....3 out 5 Pretty average backstage segment...
OKAY the main event The Miz(WWE US Champion) and Sheamus(WWE Champion) vs. John Cena and Chris Jericho. I have got to say I like the names in this match and the two angles involved. You've got The Miz who is Mr. Money In The Bank, who seems to be living up to his word of being Sheamus's "Celebrity Stalker". Then you have John Cena and Chris Jericho, two members of the obviously disfuctional "WWE 7" to me you have two feuds booked in one match, with the people feuding with each other on the same team....GREAT BOOKING Anonymous GM.... As the match started Cena and Jericho didn't seem to be very cohesive as the match went on they began to start working as a team....You could even hear Cena cheering on Jericho when Sheamus had him in a submission hold. Alas The Miz pinned Cena(yea thats right The Miz pinned Cena) after Jericho turned on Cena and hit him with the CodeBreaker(lol). I liked the booking off this match alot...didn't expect Jericho to turn on Cena(well maybe I did). I give the booking of this match a 4 out of 5.
In our last post-match segment.... Jericho puts Cena in the Walls of Jericho but Cena reverses it into the STFU. The Great Khali comes out to stop Cena, and Edge spears him. The rest of the "WWE 7"(excluding Bret Hart) all come out to the ring to argue. Khali gets pissed and chops John Morrison & Edge in the head(so many lolz in this show) A good way to the show they were playing on the trouble within the WWE 7 so it was good that the Nexus didn't intervene.... 4 out of 5....I think we have trouble in paradise guys....
Well another good RAW I'm really impressed with this Nexus storyline...We may be on the heels of something big...But in the past I don't get my hopes up on the WWE culminating their storylines....time will tell...see you guys for my booking review for TNA Impact and hopefully just hopefully I can catch SmackDown and cover all three major shows.
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