Thursday, 8 July 2010

Tommy Dreamer in TNA

I usually try and avoid the internet speculation and rumour mill, but I couldn't resist sharing this from TNA Asylum, which is *usually* quite reliable, regarding Tommy Dreamer. Now those of us who have been watching the show over the last month will have seen Dreamer in the crowd at PPV and Impact tapings. This is apparently because he is now part of TNA's creative team.

As many of you have noticed Impact has improved. Dreamer is now apart of the creative team. Dreamer met Dixie months before joining TNA. Many have spoken of Heyman to TNA. That still a very strong possibilty at the moment. Thing is if he comes Dreamer will still book. Heyman wants to spend his time in TNA marketing. Dreamer has become Dixie's right hand man. Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact. Dreamer said the only way he'll join TNA is if he was apart of creative. Dixie was very impressed with him. Bubba Ray also helps out in creative.

Dreamer wants to cut and add certain wrestlers. Most the guys he booked in WWE developmental, and ECW are excited about his new role. Dreamer's made it known he wants Daniels back in TNA. He also asked Hogan, and Sting to take an Undertaker type schedule. Dreamer is very well liked around the industry. He created antmosphere backstage where talent can make suggestions. Unlike Russo who hated talent bringing him different ideas. Dreamer isn't a fan of Anderson being a face at all. Dreamer also wants the X Divison to have a more international feel about it.

Dreamer has singled out AAA stars Aerostar, Jack Evans, Extreme Tiger, and the Apache Sisters. He also wants Sarah Stock do her Dark Angel gimmick. Dreamer's a big fan of Alissa Flash and wants to revamp the KO divison. He has setup another tryout match for Ken Doane. He knows Doane very well from OVW and WWE. Dreamer put in good words for Jimmy Yang, Carlito, Mike Knox, and several indy stars. Dreamer is also taking suggestions from Raven.

Dreamer has convinced TNA to hold off on signing guys not ready. The idea is to try and create new stars by elevating personal feuds. The feeling he has TNA needs to give fans a reason to cheer for talent or hate them. Just recently he told Red to use his old ring gear again. Dreamer told Red his old gear was a better way to market his image. The shirtless look made him look plain in the eyes of most viewers. Red went back to his old gear on the Houseshows this past weekend. Dreamer wants to make Red a big star.

TNA will see the return of a few NJPW stars. Creative plans on trying to make the Guns, Red, Wolfe, and Pope bigger stars in the eyes of viewers. Many may look over the fact that Dreamer booked ECW. He also was a big part of OVW when Heyman booked. Dreamer from all accounts know what he's doing. The guys who he wants to see excel most is Joe and Abyss. He want to make sure those two become the standard bearers of TNA new direction. So in the coming weeks look for a more edgy in your face show. No matter who TNA hires rather it be Sullivan or Heyman. Dreamer will still have alot of say in the booking.

If this is true, this is awesome news, if it's false, then TNA should take notice and put this sort of shit in motion!

Some points of interest:

Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact.

This is great, I hope it continues, though I do feel slightly sorry for Jordan who is actually pretty decent in the ring.

Dreamer's made it known he wants Daniels back in TNA.

This is a good idea, but we need the Fallen Angel from 2005-6 rather than the guy who jobs for Val Venis. If recent ROH is anything to go by, Daniels still has the intensity on the mic that made him a staple of TNA a few years ago.

He created antmosphere backstage where talent can make suggestions. Unlike Russo who hated talent bringing him different ideas.

This is also excellent news, this will hopefully lead to less recycling and the attitude of "if it didn't work in WCW/WWE it will definitely work in TNA". On the flipside of this, too much input could lead to wrestlers' egos getting way out of control. Hopefully Dreamer will play this right.

Dreamer isn't a fan of Anderson being a face at all.

Anderson has got over with the fans as a face though, if he can be a heel and still be over, that is the sign of good booking.

Dreamer also wants the X Divison to have a more international feel about it.

I think that this is a great idea, maybe Eric Young could join another stable for a few months? One of the great things about WCW back in the day was that it mixed Lucha Libre and Japanese style wrestling in its cruiserweight division.

Dreamer's a big fan of Alissa Flash and wants to revamp the KO divison.

Flash was awesome, they should also bring back Hamada and bring in Daizee Haze.

Dreamer put in good words for Jimmy Yang, Carlito, Mike Knox, and several indy stars.

Don't bring in more WWE rejects!

Dreamer has convinced TNA to hold off on signing guys not ready. The idea is to try and create new stars by elevating personal feuds. The feeling he has TNA needs to give fans a reason to cheer for talent or hate them.

I'm pretty sure that I've said this a dozen times.

Just recently he told Red to use his old ring gear again. Dreamer told Red his old gear was a better way to market his image. The shirtless look made him look plain in the eyes of most viewers. Red went back to his old gear on the Houseshows this past weekend. Dreamer wants to make Red a big star.

How many pushes will this guy get? Hopefully he'll be booked in some more feuds. The feud between Doug William and Brian Kendrick would make so much more sense if it was Williams and Red.

Creative plans on trying to make the Guns, Red, Wolfe, and Pope bigger stars in the eyes of viewers.

This is also great. I have made no secret of the fact that I consider Wolfe to be one of the greatest wrestlers in the world. The Guns are also awesome, and I'm sure that WWE are kicking themselves for letting Pope go.

The guys who he wants to see excel most is Joe and Abyss. He want to make sure those two become the standard bearers of TNA new direction.

Fuck yeah on the Joe side, Abyss is a waddling fat fuck, but I'm liking the return of the Monster, so glad they dropped the Beauty and the Beast shit with Chelsea, oh, and Lauren before that. AJ, Lethal and Doug Williams should be added to this list.

So, in summary, I hope that this is true, because it does seem too good to be true.

Fingers crossed.

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