Friday, 2 July 2010

That Clown from Outta Town - July 1st iMPACT

I hope this is the iMPACT where TNA realise their colossal mistake and start over with the Angle vs Wolfe feud. I also hope they start the show with some wrestling.

1:42 - Oh great, looks like it's Abyss week on iMPACT...does anyone really give a fuck at this point?
2:58 - Christ, here comes Hogan - why can't they just start with a match ffs?
3:39 - Christ, Bischoff too...this is going to shit very quickly
6:00 - Possibly the lamest run-in ever.
7:22 - FUCK YEAH JOE v AJ!
9:29 - Cool, Ink Inc vs MCMG :)
16:44 - Not a bad match, shame about the screwjob but there we go.
17:28 - You have Joe vs AJ on the card, and it's not the main event?
18:00 - Oh god, the main event is going to suck...Hardy v Abyss w/RVD as ref? Ffs.
18:46 - AJ v Joe already? We're only 18 min into the show...why, TNA, why?
19:24 - I've got a bad feeling about this...
28:00 - That was pretty'll be the best thing on the whole show, it's all downhill from here...should have been the main event.
30:17 - Kaz v AJ next week :)
33:08 - Who's Wolfe jobbing to this week?
33:32 - Ah, Brian Kendrick. So one of the best guys in the company is now jobbing out to fucking X-Division wrestlers. FFS TNA.
37:45 - Oh, for fucks sake...he actually lost to Kendrick. Fucking TNA.
38:59 - Pope's back...wonder if he'll do a heel turn to go after Anderson? Or if they'll just conveniently make up for no adequately explained reason?
46:33 - Angle v Pope should be awesome...
52:40 - Matt's gonna kill Jay.
57:50 - Nice dropkick
58:49 - Wow, Lethal actually won...shame it was by screwjob
59:45 - Christ, Abyss' new 'toy' looks fucking lethal...
60:31 - Kockouts, fast forwarding
66:02 - Dixie vs Sting :)
66:27 - Why are Sarita and Taylor feuding? Maybe I should've watched that match...
68:32 - How is Angle #10 in the rankings when he beat #9 last week??
71:09 - Sting's out :( Who's going to batter Bischoff now?
71:40 - Ugh, the crappy main event's about to start
81:14 - Hardy won fair and square against Abyss? Bullshit...
83:19 - PPV main event will be shite

Fairly mediocre iMPACT, Joe v AJ was good but could have potentially been a lot better, everything else was pretty average. Still, AJ v Kaz next week might be good.

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