Saturday, 12 February 2011

That Clown from Outta Town - iMPACT Feb 10 2011

I watched iMPACT last week on a whim, and it was quite good.

Except for Anderson being champ.

And the shitty redesign of the TNA belt.

And the fact Team 3D have split up, and Bubba is now called 'Bully Ray'.

And the fact it was filled with melodrama instead of wrestling.

Ok, so it wasn't 'good' good - but at least there's a sliver of hope that Hogan and Bischoff might be getting the boot on March 3rd. It looks like they're manoeuvring things to set that up...but knowing TNA that doesn't mean anything.

Anyway, I said I'd start watching TNA if Hogan and Bischoff left, so I may as well watch the build-up to them (hopefully) leaving...


00:14 - The current angle with Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle is extremely uncomfortable to watch...turning real-life issues into entertainment seems wrong somehow.
00:47 - God, the new belt is ugly
1:09 - Why start the show with Bischoff?
1:36 - I forgot 'Fat' Matt Hardy was in it now...I wish they'd hire based on ability rather than big-name recognition. Samoa Joe v Matt Hardy, or Samoa Joe v Kenny Omega? Be honest...
3:30 - The boos for Jarrett are crazy...a year or so ago, he was so over it was unbelievable. He should turn on Immortal, then it'll just be WWE rejects, career failures, and nobodies.
18:37 - Anderson v Morgan in a title match - I remember when it was Joe v Angle. Why are TNA stooping so low?
16:19 - Rob Van Dam - sigh.
17:25 - Literally half of the people in this 6-man tag are WWE rejects...all but one if you count 3D...
20:01 - That was a table match? Seriously? Must be a contender for lamest ever.
22:09 - I wish people would stop booing Jarrett/Bischoff...they're heels, it only validates them. If they were silent whenever they appeared, they'd be gone in a couple of weeks.
28:26 - Knockouts - I'd probably watch, but it's an 8-person tag which is bound to be shit.
29:22 - Why do the knockouts get their own entrances, when Joe had to come out to RVD's music?
39:42 - Wait, the title match isn't the main event? How does that work?
51:28 - What a tame ref bump...he barely hit him, it looked stupid for him to fall over, let alone get knocked out...
56:44 - Robbie E is still in it? I thought he was a joke character...
57:41 - Suicide...Daniels?
1:00:51 - So, Robbie E is more deserving of a title shot than Brian Kendrick or Christopher Daniels? What is going on?

The audio cut out on my copy of the show just after the match...

The ending seemed pretty generic...match > screwjob > brawl > RVD. There was a little twist where RVD didn't immediately beat everyone in the ring, but Anderson ran in and finished up for him.

Pretty mediocre iMPACT...PPV looks mediocre...on second thoughts, maybe I'll just check back in on March 3rd instead of watching between now and then.

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