Sunday, 29 August 2010

That Clown from Outta Town - The Great RAW Experiment

iMPACT has finally gone downhill so far that I'm willing to watch a WWE show. I realise it's basically a children's show, but the WWE do have some good talent, and there's no Russo or Bischoff - who knows, it might be ok. On the other hand, I might switch off after half an hour because it's as bad as I remember it. Only one way to find out - LET'S DO THIS

0:15 - The intro reminds me of Botchamania :)
0:32 - This must be Nexus...they don't look all that interesting...the only one who actually looks like a fighter is the bald dude.
1:33 - Darren Young looks absolutely ridiculous - who thought that hairstyle would even approach being a good idea?
3:48 - God, I hate WWE theme tunes...I know I complain about TNA's, but this is fucking shite
4:27 - Wow, Shamus is champ? Never thought that'd happen, I thought he was like a comedy character or something...tag team with Hornswoggle, yes, world champ, no.
5:30 - The first 5 minutes are way better than the first 5 of iMPACT, and it's been nothing but highlights
6:03 - I'd forgotten how bad WWE promos are. Talk...pause for audience 15 minutes
9:29 - Does RAW have a mystery GM now instead of guest hosts? I thought Abyss' 'They', and TNA's mystery biker are shit, but this is...this is actually quite an interesting angle.
11:07 - I still can't get my head round Edge as a viable singles wrestler. I guess I'll always see him as Intercontinental level.
13:22 - R Truth...great wrestler, crap gimmick.
19:02 - Neat match...nothing hugely original, pretty basic stuff. But basic stuff done well.
19:59 - tune
21:04 - Cena v Miz...that sounds terrible. Cena's decent, but Miz is a waste of space.
22:03 - It's kinda weird how people seem to think you either have to love or hate Cena. I think he's pretty good, not great, but definitely better than average. Like the 'console wars', the extremists on both sides of the debate are fucking retarded.
22:55 - Khali's still in it? :(
23:44 - Is Jericho still doing his "You people are parasitic maggots" gimmick? I enjoyed that. I like Jercho.
25:21 - Khali makes Nash look like a skilled mat specialist
26:16 - I think there is about a 0% chance that Shamus will pick Khali.
28:29 - Another pretty decent match. A pretty decent match featuring Khali. What the fuck.
32:16 - Divas...FML
40:49 - Nexus...should be interesting
41:00 - That email thing is pretty annoying...I like the gimmick but the lighting effect looks cheap
42:44 - They put a belt on Miz? FFS
44:25 - I like Cena's music
53:38 - This match is actually ok...Miz seems a lot better than I remember
55:57 - Danielson's going mental
56:26 - Main Event? There's half an hour left, what are you talking about Cole you fucktard
57:14 - Santino & Kozlov? What?
61:27 - Short, but not bad. I'd love to see Joe v Kozlov...
67:16 - Morrison looked better without the beard...he's awesome though
74:22 - Another decent match
75:40 - I like Orton's music too
77:54 - Danielson plz
78:08 - Who the fuck is Zack Ryder

Pretty decent show actually - I'm shocked how much better it is than iMPACT. TNA used to piss on WWE, now they're much much worse.

The show was decent, but not great. Nothing special or memorable happened, there were no sit-up-and-take-notice matches. But there was nothing bad, either. None of the matches were shit (I fast forwarded the Divas...). None of the matches seemed too short. They were all decent, solid matches, if a little generic. There were no fucktarded promos, there were no insane and illogical storylines, there were no wrestlers who don't look like they belong there being pushed to the top regardless of what the fans think. It was just decent wrestling and fuck all else.

I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I wish TNA would take a leaf out of WWE's book. They have better talent than WWE (at least, their roster is more skewed to my style of wrestling...the WWE guys are very good at what they do), so if they got the booking as solid as this Monday's RAW, they'd have an awesome show on their hands. Sadly, they're just going to keep throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks, which is a fucking shame.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Zack Ryder is a jobber... he's not won a match on Raw. Raw has definitely improved since they got rid of the guest hosts and the Nexus angle started.
Miz's character has really developed, and I'm starting to warm to him.

Things I'd like to see:

1) Faster paced matches.
2) More Evan Bourne
3) Less Khali, Mark Henry, Santino, etc.
4) Cena turn heel.
5) Danielson take the American title off of the Miz.
6) Better tag team division
7) Innovation in the ring

I really hate the fact that I've been enjoying Raw and Xplosion more than Impact.