Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Clown's Sacrifice Predictions - Results!

I realise Socko's already gone over this, but the site won't let me edit my own comments into his post so I guess I'll do my own follow up.

Beer Money vs 3D vs MCMG:

Nope, I was way out. 0/1.

The Band vs Ink Inc.

Yup, didn't see the ending coming but I got the result. 1/1.

Madison Rayne vs Tara

This was inevitable. No way I could have gotten this one wrong. 2/1.

Rob Terry vs Orlando Jordan

I said I'd usually go for Terry to win based on the unanswered beatdowns - should have gone with that rather than trying to second guess next month's feuds. 2/2.

Wolfe vs Abyss

Once I actually understood the stipulation, the result was obvious. 3/2.

Kaz vs Doug

This match was better than expected. Happily, I called it wrong and Douggie has his belt back. 3/3.

Anderson vs Jeff Hardy

I didn't think it was possible for this match to have a clean ending. I was wrong. 3/4.


Kinda obvious really. 4/4

Sting vs Jarrett

I didn't call it, the angle was too unpredictable. The match was way, way better than I was expecting. Bischoff next, please, Stinger. 4/4

So, 4/4. About the same as you'd expect from flipping a coin to decide.

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