Tuesday, 18 May 2010

That Clown from Outta Town - TNA Sacrifice 2010

I've got to say, I don't give a fuck about any of the matches, the build-up for this has been awful. Let's start the show!

2:24 - Nice, straight into the action. This match could be the show-stealer of the night, 3 great tag teams in a 3-way.
3:59 - I don't care who wins. Not because I don't care about any of the teams, but because I like them all. I'd love to see MCMG finally get a title run, I'd love to see Beer Money out of the 'Flair's jobbers' spot and relevant again, and I'd love to see 3D get their 24th tag team title. Whoever wins, I win.
7:20 - Gotta love that double team.
11:55 - Holy shit, MCMG are on fire...could there be an upset on the way??
16:38 - Why are the crowd so flat tonight? This match is awesome.
18:24 - Whoa, the Guns won it...didn't see that one coming. Sweet match.
20:25 - Rob vs Jordan on it's way...this match has the potential to be a mess.
21:54 - Nice entrance by Jordan - you don't see people come down from the ceiling very often.
23:00 - Squash?
28:03 - Haha, "Terry loves it" chant...you gotta love them TNA fans
30:12 - Fairly decent match...the ending was a bit abrupt, but decent nonetheless. Old school, almost.
31:49 - Looks like this isn't over.
33:34 - Woop woop, here comes Douggie. Kick his arse Doug.
39:07 - Oh, Tennay. Kaz's 'year away from the business' was 'career suicide'. Classic. Because, you know, Kaz was in fact wrestling as the masked wrestler Suicide. Do you see what he did there? They need a guy on drums to do a 'b-dum tsssh' when he says stuff like that.
42:13 - Nice move, Kaz.
45:01 - This match is pretty good. Totally not going how I thought it would.
48:36 - I can't believe Kaz reversed the Chaos Theory...never seen that before
50:00 - Holy shit...missed the turnbuckles on that powerbomb. I hope he landed ok!
51:00 - Yeah, he's fine :) Can't wait to see it on Botchamania...
51:47 - FUCK YEAH WILLIAMS...Kaz never got to wear his belt hahaha
52:14 - WHERE IS JOE?

Back from work, we got beers, we got snacks, LET'S DO THIS

52:51 - Why is Wolfe dressed as Christopher Daniels?
53:37 - Why is Chelsea suddenly American?
54:28 - Knockouts, fast forwarding
66:23 - Oh look, the one who's leaving the company doesn't win the gold...what a surprise.
70:13 - Freebird style tag champs. Or, for my generation, Demolition style. Interesting, as long as they don't lose the belts tonight...
75:46 - Oh man, Hall is a shambles...he looks like an amateur in there.
79:58 - A ref bump. The mark of quality for wrestling matches. Wonder if we'll see Eric?
81:02 - And there's Bubba :)
81:26 - Wait, Bubba screwed Jesse?? Confused.
81:52 - Fucking Bischoff, what a shitty screwjob. Bubba ignored the guys he's in a feud with to screw his friend. FFS.
83:03 - Wolfe v Abyss incoming :D

I accidentally reset the counter, so all the following times are +86:24...oops!

4:39 - The Desmond fans are chanting louder than the Abyss fans - in your face, Hogan
5:19 - Big boot to the...hip.
6:33 - This match is awful...one of the worst mismatches of wrestling styles I've ever seen.
8:11 - Oh dear, Abyss' 'Hogan no-sell' impression again
8:45 - Wow, now that's a Black Hole Slam.
10:34 - Sigh, Anderson. Same old shit, same old shit, same old shit
13:00 - Ugh. I wish that guy would shut the fuck up.
16:03 - I hope something interesting happens during this match. Joe doing a run-in and destroying both of them would be nice.
19:00 - Now I have Joe's entrance music in my head, and it's more entertaining than the actual match. Fucking TNA.
25:51 - Mic Check...please don't kick out
26:56 - Swanton...please be over
28:23 - This has to be it
28:40 - Oh thank fuck for that...it's a rare match where the crowd chants are more interesting than the action in the ring
29:54 - I sense a beatdown
31:38 - Beatdown denied :(
32:07 - Damn right these are dark times for TNA, AJ.
34:40 - Jarrett vs Sting...tempted to fast forward this.
35:27 - Hahaha, prematch beatdown.
36:08 - Jarrett is a fucking mess.
36:52 - Tennay's like 'This is very difficult to watch', I'm like FUCK HIM UP STING
38:22 - Credit where it's due, this match is much better than I thought it was going to be.
40:33 - Haha, they actually bothered ringing the bell.
40:45 - That was awesome.
43:59 - That's hilarious, Sting just pushed him off the stretcher :D
47:53 - Oh look, RVD. I wonder if he'll go on about how great he is instead of his actual feud.
48:13 - There we go.
48:30 - And again
48:32 - And again
48:34 - And again
48:55 - And again
49:10 - A lot more people aren't tuning in, though, are they Rob? Ratings have done what since you were champ? Halved. That's fucking what. Shut the fuck up and wrestle a decent match for once.
50:29 - This match really, really doesn't have wrestling fans buzzing.
59:26 - Finally they ring the fucking bell
71:02 - I hope Joe kills the winner after the match
84:05 - Kick out kick out kick out
84:14 - Ffs. Decent match, it seemed to be building to a nice ending, then it just finished. Still, a solid RVD match, probably his best in TNA to date - still didn't live up to its potential though.

Kind of an up and down PPV. Started well, then went shit, then went ok. But only ok. A solitary tear slowly rolls down my face as I realise there was no Joe.

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